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Getting a lead is a key part of the sales process. But the follow up can be what clinches the deal. So how do you follow one up?

From how you communicate to the importance of getting commitment from your potential customers, here’s some things to think about to help you or your sales team follow up a sales lead successfully.

1. Good communication

When you follow up a lead, how you communicate is key. This is especially because when a consumer is interested in buying something, they usually ask lots of questions. They might also forget information they’ve been told and become confused. So you should aim to provide them with clear information, which they might need to answer any questions they have, based on any initial communication that’s been made. This can help you overcome unnecessary barriers that might prevent closing a deal. When reminding them about this information, you should show you’re being helpful, rather than pushy. You should also remind them of the type of communication they prefer going forward, such as email or phone.

2. Engaging content

The content you provide, and the way you present it, when you follow up a lead can determine the final outcome. The information could distance rather than engage them, for instance, while the tone might make you look like a desperate seller, rather than a valued business associate. So the content should be interesting and compel a potential customer, make them pay attention and encourage them to take action. It’s a good idea to have a mix of repetition and variety – restating points you’ve made, while adding information you’ve not covered to engage them more. This will be a great way to demonstrate your expertise. You can also be educative, such as sending guides and brochures, or case studies to help them make a decision.

3. Being kept in mind

When it comes to following up a sales lead, it’s all about the timing – acting and thinking fast before leads go cold, and not allowing too much time to pass and risk losing them.

But it’s important to remember that people only buy when they’re ready to buy, not when you or your salespeople are ready to sell. This means salespeople have to be in a potential customer’s mind when they are ready to buy. So the main objective when following up a lead is to stay in the mind of the potential customer and add value to their purchasing decision. You should also aim to send information about what you’ve discussed immediately after initial contact to put those ideas in their head, right from the beginning.


When it comes to following up a sales lead, it’s all about the timing – acting and thinking fast before leads go cold, and not allowing too much time to pass and risk losing them.

4. Having the right attitude

An unresponsive lead can be painful and frustrating for a sales caller, so it’s vital to remember to be polite and patient when following up – just as you were during your first pitch. After all, the potential customer is under no obligation to buy. They can ignore you if they want. Instead, being friendly and understanding, like showing you appreciate when a lead is busy, can go a long way in helping the customer create a positive image of you and is more likely to lead to success.

5. Getting commitment

It’s also important to get some committed, not vague, answers from your lead, should you want to discuss a product or service with them further. For instance, you should establish a specific date and time to next talk, rather than just saying you’ll call next week. You also shouldn’t leave a potential customer to commit to these things, but take the lead on this yourself. However, it’s important to be committed in what you’ve said and contact them at the time you’ve given. Sticking to agreements you’ve made like this can help a potential customer have trust and confidence in you when it comes to making a decision.

6. Helping your business follow up your sales leads

How you follow up your sales leads can be the deal breaker that converts a lead into a customer. So it’s a good idea to have software that can help make the follow up process as efficient and effective as possible. At FLG, we provide a tool set that can help. The software can:

  • Efficiently process your leads to increase customer conversion
  • Integrate with other software platforms, such as MailChimp and Campaign Monitor
  • Use powerful workflows to automate your sales processes

If you’d like to find out more about the FLG family of products and how they can help you effectively manage leads, please take a look at our Customer Contact page.

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