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Our flexible reporting feature, FLG Insights, provides a wide range of customisable out-of-the-box report templates for you to choose from. Alternatively, you can create your own custom reports from scratch with ease thanks to our simple point-and-click report builder.

Here’s how you can build and run amazingly detailed reports that show how your business and your users are performing:

Written by Lauren Shaw

Try our custom report builder using our simple online interface

FLG Insights comes with over 30 pre-written reports for you to choose from. These reports are all customisable, so they can be fine-tuned and edited to suit your particular needs.

custom report builder CRM

You can also use our custom report builder to create your own custom reports using our simple point-and-click interface, allowing you to analyse and share the data you need quickly and easily.

FLG custom report


Take a closer look at how it works:

Add fields, order data & display it how you want it

Any FLG data field can be added to our custom report builder, which allow for aggregation, pivoting, filtering, sorting and much more. You can also create columns that sum, subtract, multiply, count or average data from other columns, or total complete columns.

Plus you can format data to appear in the way you want it, choosing from pivot tables, lists, or line, area, bar or pie charts.

FLG custom report builder


FLG Insights is included on our XL and Concierge plans.

Want to learn more about FLG's custom report builder, reporting and analytics?

Our friendly team would be happy to show you around.

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