
NEW FEATURE: Secure document uploads

We're delighted to let you know that our new secure document uploads feature has landed. We're really excited about this game-changing addition to our app, which comes from an idea that was posted on our feedback site. We hope you find it useful!

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Understanding customer satisfaction and how it could impact your business

Customer satisfaction is so much more than simply retaining customers. When you genuinely care about keeping your customers happy and take pride in your brand's reputation, your business will reap the benefits.

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A guide to customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is an important part of how a business retains customers and attracts new ones through word-of-mouth referrals and positive online reviews. Nowadays, social media and review sites allow customers to publicly share their satisfaction (or indeed dissatisfaction) regarding products and services they’ve purchased from you, which could directly affect your business in a positive or a negative way.

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What are the benefits of using a CRM for your business?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is important for businesses that want to manage interactions with both existing and potential customers so that they can create and maintain positive relationships to, in turn, make sales and drive their organisations in the right direction.

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Understanding and exceeding customer expectations

Customers are always likely to form an expectation of a service, but how exactly do you meet or even exceed these expectations? FLG explains all.

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Learn how to create a successful sales funnel & turn more visitors into customers

A sales funnel describes the ways in which consumers move through the buying process, going from a site or store visitor to a paying customer. It should be used by every business to turn visitors into paying customers - read our article to find out how to create a successful sales funnel.

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What’s the difference between a sales pipeline and a sales funnel?

In any business setting, lingo, buzzwords and informal terminology are used as a way of speaking about complex and technical processes and concepts without having to go into extensive detail. Although applicable to a variety of industries, pipelines and funnels are specific concepts that are often connected to the sales industry, and for anyone that is unfamiliar with the alternative meanings, it can be confusing to hear the terms in relation to sales and marketing.

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How to make a business strategy

A business strategy is imperative for any business, big or small, that wants to establish an identity, promote growth, reach set targets and see success. This strategy can help create a clear vision for your business that not only brings you more customers and increased sales, but also assists your employees in their work, boosting productivity.

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