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Operating as a small business is a particularly exciting venture. You’ll focus on gradually growing and expanding while you continually bring in new leads and additional staff.

In many cases, though, it might feel like time is really at a premium. There’s a lot of responsibilities and duties to juggle alongside the desire to push for growth and expansion.

Because of this, looking for ways to free up time and effort where you can is really helpful. Sales lead management is one way that you can do exactly that, but do small businesses need to manage the flow of leads into their business?

Free up time

With effective lead management procedures in place, you ensure that you and however many staff you have can work far more efficiently than you would be able to without a lead management system.

For example, instead of having to spend your time logging and collating information on your leads after each interaction, much of this information could be automatically logged for you through a lead management platform.

This is an especially helpful benefit for a small business. With fewer team members, it might feel like staff are under more stress during peak times. A lead management system can ease the pressure by freeing up staff time and allowing them to focus on providing great service for every lead.

The time you free up with lead management software could also be used to allow sales staff to divert their attention to more high priority leads, or allow your management take a step back, look at how your business is doing more holistically, and better plan how you can grow your business further.


Focus on the best leads

For small businesses especially, you’ll want to know that every lead your staff contact is one that’s the most likely to convert or is particularly high value.

Without thorough lead management processes in place, staff might spend more of their time than necessary handling colder, possibly lower value leads or dealing with people who have little to no chance of converting.



Finding ways to work more effectively is always helpful in any business. Small businesses can especially benefit from this, as it lets them better focus on growth and expansion.

If you use lead management to rate and prioritise your leads, it’ll help give staff a clearer picture of the ones they should focus on. This means you’re more likely to bring new custom into your business more frequently. You’ll know which leads are likely to convert, and you’ll also be able to see a projected value to your business for each lead.

By focusing on these types of leads specifically, you’ll generate more revenue and increase the amount of clients and customers you handle, which is a great way to help your business grow.

Capturing and contacting leads

It’s always important to bring new leads into a business, acknowledge them as soon as possible and keep them informed every step of the way. Lead management can help you capture leads more effectively across multiple channels, and even automatically contact them on your behalf.

This is true for all forms of customer contact – whether it’s through email, phone, or a form on your website, all relevant information is automatically captured and stored for each lead.

Automatically sending confirmation messages or emails at certain points of the sales process is a great way to keep a customer informed and included. You might need to give them an update on their claim, for example, or send an email thanking them once your dealings with them are finished. This might encourage a lead to keep coming back or recommend your services to friends and family, turning a one-time sale into a loyal, repeat client or stream of new customers.

Helping your business better handle leads

Finding ways to work more effectively is always helpful in any business. Small businesses can especially benefit from this, as it lets them better focus on growth and expansion. Lead management is one such way to really help a small business save time and effort in a wide range of ways, giving them more time and energy to spend on pushing onwards and growing as a business.

FLG’s dedicated software can help make lead management easier to handle, which allows staff to work as effectively as possible. Our toolset can:

  • Efficiently process leads to help a team follow up and achieve more sales
  • Integrate with other software platforms, including Trello, MailChimp, Quickbooks, and Campaign Monitor
  • Use powerful workflows to automate call centre sales processes

If you’d like to learn more about FLG and how it can benefit your business, take a look at our Lead Management Reporting page to see how it could benefit your small business.


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