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Generating consistent sales and providing great service to customers is a big part of being successful as a business.

Generating consistent sales and providing great service to customers is a big part of being successful as a business. Looking for ways to do this more effectively can really help your business grow and succeed.

There are plenty of useful and beneficial tools that can help you do exactly that. Sales automation software is one such tool you can use to better support your staff and provide improved customer service. But how does it work?

Bridging the gap between customers and staff

Effective sales force automation will help to take certain key tasks off your staff and free them up to spend more time dealing with customers.

For example, when a lead comes in, you can automate a lot of the information gathering. This could be questions regarding budget, a short brief on what the customer wants, or details of their situation.

This is information that can be gathered prior to any human involvement, which then gives your sales team the information they need to effectively deal with a customer. Collecting these details could even be part of the process your leads go through prior to a call-back appointment, meaning your staff are properly prepared.

Automation also allows your leads to be properly categorised and filtered to the right places. In call centres or specific sectors, such as the financial or claims industries, you’re likely to receive a large quantity of leads. Organising these is often too time consuming or impractical to perform manually.


Utilising automation allows you to put workflows in place that look for the information you need, and filter leads accordingly.

Automation and CRM

At first glance, it might seem a little difficult to separate your automation from a CRM. Both tools will make use of customer data and history, but the key difference is in how and why they use the information.

For example, your CRM software will chart all a customer’s information in one place. This offers a holistic view of the customer journey and their interactions with your business in order to continue to develop the relationship with them.

Sales force automation, on the other hand, utilises that information initially to specifically streamline and improve your sales process. Then once a lead converts, that information can move into a more traditional CRM system for future use, such as a target for email marketing.

Helping your business become more efficient

Using the right tools to help your staff work as effectively as possible can really help drive your business to greater success.

It can free up valuable time, provide staff with more accurate and relevant information, and help provide a smoother sales process to customers. Providing this level of support and guidance to your staff demonstrates how useful sales automation can be.

This is where FLG can help. We provide a tool set that can help businesses to:

  • Utilise powerful workflows to automate your sales processes
  • Process your leads efficiently to help follow up and successfully close more sales
  • Effectively integrate with other software platforms, such as Campaign Monitor and MailChimp

To learn more about how FLG can help you deliver a more effective sales force service for your customers, please visit our Marketing Automation page.

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