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With only a certain amount of time in each work day, helping your sales team work as effectively as they can is particularly important.

Using automation within your business can be a fantastic way to free up staff time and help them work as best they can. Your sales staff will be able to contact more leads that are more likely to convert than they otherwise would, leading to a more profitable business overall. But how much of your sales process should be automated?

Focusing on the right sales, with the right team members

Sales processes are often a long-term processes that range from ensuring you’re selling to the right people, through to post-sale support. If you have an especially long list of enquiries, then updating them each day and generating reports for your sales team can take up a fair amount time. Automated lead management could be the first step in an efficient and targeted sales process. With automated processes in place, leads can be updated and scored automatically. Daily reports can also be generated automatically and sent to your sales staff. Different teams might get different reports and leads assigned to them based on their specialisms with a particular product, for example.

Automated communication to retain interest

There are several points in the sales process where automated communication can be really effective when it comes to generating continual interest in your products and services. Even an automated response when a lead first contacts you can be helpful, as it shows the customer you’re aware of their interest and paying attention to them.

Sales emails can be a key method for keeping existing or potential customers aware and interested in your services. However, tweaking and re-writing the same email based on the specific leads that each email targets can take up a lot of your time.

Instead, consider using email templates that are easily customisable. For example, you might separate your leads based on the industry they’re in or the service they’ve made an enquiry about. Each individual group of leads can then receive sales emails that are personalised, generated quickly, and contain specific content and information that’s relevant to that group.

By customising and automating your sales emails in this way, you’re showing your leads that you know exactly what they need, and that you’re providing the best possible solution for them. As staff aren’t typing out and sending each email individually, it also frees up a great deal of their time, letting them focus on more important things like converting enquiries and boosting sales.


Using a chatbot is one way that you can automate much of your sales process, while giving the customer the ability to complete a sale at their own pace.

Customer autonomy

In many cases, some sales process can be automated by letting the customer do much of the work themselves. Depending on your industry, it might even be possible for the customer to purchase from you without needing to interact with your staff.

Using a chatbot is one way that you can automate much of your sales process, while giving the customer the ability to complete a sale at their own pace. Because chatbots can analyse what leads are saying and respond in a conversational manner, moving through the sales process is effortless and intuitive.

This helps by taking pressure off your existing staff members, as the bot can filter leads to the right teams or departments by itself, rather than having staff handle calls that need passing on.

While automation can really help sales to progress efficiently, it’s also important to retain the human element so customers don’t feel it’s too robotic, or that a business doesn’t care about them.

For example, while chatbots are great for both filtering leads and completing sales, it’s also important that customers are easily able to contact a human sales team member if they want to. Consider setting shifts for staff to be at a desk, ready to provide support if a customer wants to speak to a person.

Essentially, automation at every step of the sales process can be a fantastic way to free up staff time, and let your teams work more efficiently. However, using automation alongside human interactions creates a much more dynamic, responsive, and personable customer service experience that’s certain to leave a positive impression.

How FLG can help you automate your sales processes effectively

Automation is a great way to help your staff work more effectively, and generally help your business provide a much more thorough sales experience to leads and customers.

Helping your business become more efficient in this way can be really helpful in all manner of ways. By using staff time more efficiently, you can bring in more leads, and become more and more profitable as a business over time. That’s why it’s important to automate as effectively as you can.

This is where FLG can help. We provide a tool set that can help businesses to:

  • Utilise powerful workflows to automate your sales processes
  • Process your leads efficiently to help follow up and successfully close more sales
  • Effectively integrate with other software platforms, such as Campaign Monitor and MailChimp

Learn more about how FLG can help you deliver a more effective sales experience for your leads and customers by visiting our Intelligent Workflows page.

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