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As a call centre manager, tracking the performance of your call centre can help your operation in many ways, from checking if lead conversion targets are being hit, to analysing individual agents' progress to determine where improvements can be made.

So how should you track the performance of your staff and the leads that come into your call centre? We look at what to consider to get the most from your agents and your leads.

What do you want to track?

When thinking about how you should track staff performance in your call centre, you should first think about your objectives, and what you want to track to meet those goals. For instance, do you want to track your:

Individual agents – To see how well each member of staff is performing and know where they can improve.

New staff – To determine how well they are performing to see if they have understood training or are good enough to pass their probation period. 

Specific teams – To analyse a team’s performance, such as those agents who follow up leads, to understand their strengths and weaknesses. 

Whole team – To determine the overall average performance of your staff to see if targets are being hit regularly.

Tracking calls, tracking leads and sales, and considering their different factors is an effective way to analyse the performance of your individual agents and your wider team.

Tracking leads and sales

Call centre management relies on tracking numbers to see how well your team is performing – in terms of how many customers and how much sales revenue they’re helping to bring into your business. Different factors to track include:

  • Number of leads – How many leads are agents handling simultaneously or following up in a single shift?
  • Number of sales – How many leads are they helping to turn into sales during a shift?
  • Product – What product sales are agents achieving, in terms of product cost, size and value, like double glazing or size of phone contracts?
  • Number of calls versus sales – How many follow-up calls do they make that do convert into sales, compared with those that don’t?


Tracking the performance of your staff and your leads is key to meeting your goals and getting the best from your call centre. Being able to create performance reports for individual members of a team helps you develop your agents more effectively.

Lead details and demographics

There are many things you can track to help you better understand the types of leads your call centre receives. This includes:

  • Number of new leads by month
  • Leads within a particular category – such as pet or home insurance
  • Leads by source – such as web and phone, with conversion rates
  • ROI on leads – cost versus sales value
  • Referrals – For example, conversion rates of leads sent to partners
  • Intro – For instance, leads received from a partner
  • Geography – Where leads come from
  • Any other custom fields, such as age and occupation

Helping you track your call centre’s team and lead performance 

Tracking the performance of your staff and your leads is key to meeting your goals and getting the best from your call centre – from ensuring call quality is of a high standard, to seeing what types of leads your team converts into sales each day. Achieving these things can help develop your agents, create a stronger team and increase your customer base.

At FLG, we can help with tracking the performance of your call centre team. This involves a tool set that can allow you to create performance reports on your staff, so you can determine who your best agents are, those who have potential, and those who need to improve. Alongside this, it can also:

  • Utilise powerful workflows to get the most from your individual agents and team
  • Process your leads efficiently to help your staff follow up and successfully close more sales
  • Effectively integrate with other software platforms within your business

If you’d like to learn more about this product, and how we can help you track your staff’s performance to create a team of top call centre agents, please visit our Reporting and Analytics page.

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