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Every business will in some way rely on leads and referrals to generate new business. These can come from a variety of sources, and businesses need to ensure they are equipped and prepared to deal with them.

With that in mind, it is important to work out which lead management solution is going to be the most suitable for your business.

What options are available?

There’s a competitive market for lead management systems, tailored for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

With so many platforms and feature sets to research, it might feel like there’s almost too much choice.

Aside from a dedicated lead management platform, you could choose to utilise a CRM system which might be able to deal with leads in a limited capacity. If you’re only dealing with a very small number of leads each month, it might be possible for you to consider handling them manually without the use of specialised software, such as through spreadsheets or email chains.

The issue with both of these options is that they aren’t a dedicated or specialised platform, meaning the right tools aren’t in place to handle leads in any real quantity, record information accurately or track progress. Also, in the case of carrying out your lead management manually, there isn’t the consistency your business needs to handle enquiries properly.

Narrowing down your options is key. This helps you to make sure you find the system that is right for your business in its current state, but should also be able to handle any future growth.

What influences your choice?

Your choice can be influenced in a number of ways:

  • The number of leads you receive
  • The level of filtering you need
  • The level of automation required
  • The scale of your business
  • The number of employees you have
  • The diversity of markets you operate in
  • By your projected growth

You need to consider your current sales process. How could it be improved? Which platform offers the features that will allow you to be more effective?


Your lead management system can help to tie different platforms together to coordinate your automated sales process more effectively

This could be a system that provides automated options when leads first come into your business, helping to categorise, prioritise and filter prospects to the right people more efficiently. Or it could be a case of putting a lead management solution in place that can handle a much larger volume of leads than your current provision.

What would be most beneficial to your sales teams? This can help you to narrow down the features you need your lead management systems to have. For example, you might organise your sales team into groups with specific focus on products, services and other business offerings. This might mean that you need a platform with more flexible filtering to ensure you send leads to the right people to maximise their chances of converting.

You should also keep in mind what other systems you utilise within your business and how they tie into your sales processes.

Your lead management system can help to tie these different platforms together, creating a more cohesive lead management system that draws in information from other places and can help to coordinate more of your automated sales process.

Providing the right lead management solution for your business

There are lots of moving parts to a sales process, which can vary from business to business. Understanding your individual needs can help you to narrow down your choices and find the lead management platform that will be the most effective for your business.

However, it is important to not just think about where your business is now. Also think about where you see it going, what its future needs might be, and finding the platform that can help you realise those goals.

At FLG we provide a family of robust lead management tools that can:

  • Efficiently process your leads to help follow up and achieve more sales
  • Integrate with other software platforms, including MailChimp and Campaign Monitor
  • Use powerful workflows to automate your sales processes

If you’re interested in learning more about FLG Core, please take a look at our Powerful CRM page.



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