Customer profile

Company name: Stonebridge Rock
Business type: Business Insurance
Agents using FLG: 12
Leads per day: Up to 100
FLG customer since: 2016

Stonebridge Rock are a team of knowledgeable and experienced business life insurance advisers who cater to the insurance and protection needs of companies of all sizes, keeping businesses and their employees safe on their journeys to success.

As a leading B2B specialist in the financial services space, in receipt of a high number of enquiries each day, the company was searching for a way to easily identify each lead source and track it through to conversion.


Stonebridge Rock was searching for a solution that could help its advisers:

  • Quickly and easily identify lead sources.
  • Simplify the management and prioritising of their daily tasks.


The company implemented the FLG customer engagement platform, which now allows advisers to:

  • Identify with ease how any lead has come into the business.
  • Use the task function to help them easily manage their day in terms of contacting leads and prioritising tasks.
  • Contact leads through multiple channels from one single place.


Thanks to FLG, we are able to easily identify where each lead has come from


The company is now benefitting from the additional features of the FLG platform, including:

  • Using the automated marketing and customer contact tools, including SMS and bulk email, to market and communicate with leads.
  • Calculating the ROI from each lead source with the reporting and analytics tools.

Visit the Stonebridge Rock website or contact us for more details.

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