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From train tickets to hotel reservations and flights, the travel sector deals with a constant stream of booking requests and enquiries from customers looking to commute or enjoy a break.

With travellers needing to make last-minute bookings or looking for quick deals on a holiday, having the right software in place to support your sales staff is key. But what other benefits can effective transport and hotel lead management offer within the travel sector?

Ease pressure during peak times

The travel industry has peaks where there are significantly more people looking to travel or stay in a certain type of accommodation. This could be during the school holidays or people who are looking for a last-minute winter getaway, for example.

During these periods, travel business are likely to receive a higher number of enquiries from people looking for availability in a hotel, for instance. It’s vital that your business is able to cope with this increased volume of enquiries and still provide impeccable service.

Automating your lead management can help your business to direct these enquiries to the best people available to help customers with their individual requirements. It can also be used to respond automatically to ease the burden on your sales staff. This can be done by automatically checking availability, responding to the customer to let them know if their dates are available, and letting them know what to do next.

Using automated processes to handle even the simplest enquiries can ease the pressure on your sales team. This gives your salespeople the time and space to help customers complete their booking while providing a high level of service.


In the travel sector it is vital to be able to engage with a high volume of customers at point of purchase but also in the run up to their holiday, to encourage repeat business. Automated communication allows you to touch base with customers and show you’re dedicated to making sure they have a good trip.

Provide fantastic service

People look forward to travelling, especially when it’s a holiday. Making the booking process as simple as possible for your customers, and supporting them before and after their trip, is a great way to help your brand stand out and encourage the use of your services in the future.

Lead management software can help you to communicate with customers in the run up to their holiday, such as by giving them updates based on a range of different things via SMS messages or email. This could include:

  • Weather updates
  • Recommendations of places to visit or where to eat
  • Reminders about check-in times and transfers
  • Information about unforeseen delays

Automated communication like this allows you to touch base with customers and show you’re dedicated to making sure they have a good trip.

Encourage repeat bookings

Your lead management software can be used to help encourage repeat bookings. You can use built-in marketing functionality to contact customers about offers and deals based on destinations or trips, which are similar to the bookings they’ve made in the past.

You might use email marketing to share content based on dream destinations, holiday trends or trip planning.

There are a wealth of options that allow you to reach out to existing customers, remind them of your services, and encourage them to book with you again.

Helping you to capitalise on top leads in the travel sector

Having the right software in place can help you to engage with a higher volume of customers, streamline your services, and provide a level of customer care and support that sets you apart from your competition.

In the travel sector, this is vital as it allows you to draw customers to your trip and holiday providers, support them with help and advice in the lead up to their holiday, and follow up afterwards to generate repeat and future business.

Finding the right lead management software can make all the difference to travel-focussed businesses. At FLG, we provide a family of robust lead management tools that can:

  • Efficiently process your leads to help follow up and achieve more sales
  • Integrate with other software platforms, including MailChimp and Campaign Monitor
  • Use powerful workflows to automate your sales processes

If you’re interested in learning more about FLG, please take a look around the platform features.

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